If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, please download and fill out the form below and return it to the church office to get started.
In Jesus Christ, God calls people to faith and to membership in the Church, the body of Christ. Baptism is the visible sign of that call and claim on a human life and of entrance into the membership of the church. The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The baptism of those who enter the covenant of membership upon their own profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls forth a response of faithfulness. Thus, the triune God, incarnate in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives to the Church not only its mission but also its understanding of membership. The Book of Order, G-1.0301
Persons may enter into active church membership in the following ways:
Public profession of faith, after meeting with the session regarding the meaning and responsibilities of membership; if not previously baptized, the person professing faith will be baptized as a part of joining the church;
Certificate of transfer, when a member of another church at the time of transfer;
Reaffirmation of faith, for those previously baptized and having already made profession of faith in another congregation.
Categories of membership include: baptized (those who have been baptized, but have not made a profession of faith. Baptized members receive the pastoral care of the church, and can be fully involved, but may not vote or become officers), active (a person who has made a profession of faith and participates in the full life of the church, including voting in congregational meetings), affiliate (a member of another congregation who is temporarily residing in the community), and other participants (friends of the church who participate in its life, but do not wish to become active members).