The chief purpose of a funeral is to point to the Christian hope of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Presbyterian funeral is fundamentally a service in witness to resurrection and eternal life.
In Baptism each Christian shares in Christ’s dying and rising, and receives the promise of eternal and abundant life in him. We understand the Christian funeral to be the completion of Baptism. In the face of death, we affirm with tears and joy the good news of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection. We do not grieve in isolation but are sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit and the community of faith. The Book of Order W-4.0701
A funeral service, either in the church sanctuary, or at a funeral home, typically consists of scriptural sentences, a prayer of thanksgiving, a hymn or psalm, scripture reading(s), a sermon, a prayer of commendation, and a benediction (parting blessing).
A funeral or memorial service can be held with or without the body or other remains present.
Following the funeral service, a graveside committal service may be held for family and friends. The graveside committal is usually quite brief, involving again several scriptural sentences, words of committal, a final prayer and benediction.
Members will find a funeral planning form available on this website. The planning form may be submitted to the church office. The minister is always ready to assist families, members and non-members, in planning or officiating a funeral as a part of his ministry.