Come as you are! There is no dress code at First Presbyterian. Members and guests wear clothing ranging from casual to formal for Sunday worship.

You will be greeted as you enter the church building and receive a paper program/bulletin which outlines the order of worship and contains weekly announcements for the church community.

There is no assigned seating. You are welcome to find a seat in any of the church pews.
Children are welcome to remain in the worship service alongside their family.
Worship services normally last from 30 minutes to one hour.

Every week, scripture is interwoven into the service of worship at First Presbyterian Church of Glendale. From the call to worship at the beginning of the service to the parting blessing at its close, scripture shapes the content of worship. The Biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation informs the content of both worship and preaching at FPCG.
Traditional organ music and church hymns characterize the worship service, along with other components including a morning prayer, scripture lesson, sermon, and parting blessing.

On the first Sunday of each month, and sometimes more often, a coffee hour is held in the social hall following worship. This time of fellowship and refreshments has a history at FPCG stretching back at least to the 1940s.