Mission is undertaken locally through enthusiastic congregational support and involvement in service and aid organizations in the greater Cincinnati area and beyond. Many of our members are personally involved in a variety of non-profit agencies and boards. Caring community is a feature of life at First Presbyterian including a wide range of activities from group dinners at area restaurants, to picnics, studies, and an annual golf outing. Members and friends frequently get together for fun and fellowship in support of mission causes. First Presbyterian Church of Glendale financially supports a wide variety of service and mission organizations, including: Princeton Closet, GLAD House, Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cincinnati, Valley Interfaith Food and Clothing Center, and Matthew 25.
Special offerings are received each year for: Blanket Fund, Back to School, One Great Hour of Sharing, Joy Offering and the Archibald Fund.
Hands-on mission projects include a monthly food offering donated to Valley Interfaith, preparing meals for the homeless, provided housing by IHN, at Christ Church (Glendale), Thanksgiving boxes donated to Glendale families in need, annual Golf Outing, Sharing and Mitten Trees during Advent, Fill the Village Square with Food (food collection), an annual Pancake Breakfast and more.
Thanksgiving Boxes
Pancake Breakfast
Fill the Village Square